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Key Takeaways

-US Latin and Hispanic travelers are expected to increase their annual leisure trips by 10%, spending $180 more per trip compared to the last 12 months, contributing an estimated $165 billion to the US economy in 2025.
-54% of US Latin and Hispanic travelers consider Airbnb or short-term rentals when traveling, and Airbnb reported a 32% rise in US guests who chose Spanish as their primary language on the platform in 2023.
-74% of US Latin and Hispanic travelers take trips with extended family. Airbnb data showed that of travelers choosing Spanish as their primary language, 38% visited Latin America—five times more than other US travelers.
-Las Vegas is the most desired destination for US Latin and Hispanics travelers, while Myrtle Beach, SC, and Florianopolis, Brazil, saw the highest growth in bookings by US Airbnb guests who chose Spanish as their primary language in 2023.

The results of the first US Latin and Hispanic Traveler Report, which integrates data from a survey commissioned by Airbnb and Airbnb data from US guests who selected Spanish as their primary language3, reveals that 54 percent of Latin and Hispanic travelers consider Airbnb or short-term rentals for leisure trips, compared to 42 percent of non-Latin and Hispanics. Additionally, the platform reported that Airbnb guests who chose Spanish as their primary language in the US grew by 32 percent in 20234.

New data from Airbnb’s report shows how US Latin and Hispanic travelers are turning to Airbnb and how the company is serving this community. Some of the findings include5:

Family bonds are fuel for traveling

Visiting family is the top reason for travel for 61 percent of US Latin and Hispanic travelers. Additionally, 74 percent say they travel with extended family, compared to 65 percent of non-Latin/Hispanic travelers. Airbnb data shows that 50 percent of the nights booked by US guests who chose Spanish as their primary language were for groups, compared to 40 percent of the bookings made by the rest of US Travelers6. Last May, Airbnb introduced new features that make planning a group trip easier, including shared wishlists, a new message tab and trip invitations. 

Social media, pop culture and big events are inspiring travel

53 percent of US Latin and Hispanic travelers said they use social media to plan travel, which is 7 percent more compared to non-Hispanics. Furthermore, 28 percent of Latin and Hispanic travelers are inspired by travel influencers, compared to 21 percent of non-Latin and Hispanics. In terms of trip motivations, 34 percent said they will travel to visit a location from a television show, book or a movie, and 32 percent said they will travel to see their favorite band and music event. 

Based on the survey, Las Vegas is currently the most desired destination for US Latin and Hispanic travelers with 46 percent ranking it as the destination they most want to visit in 2025. During the last few years the city has not only launched new attractions, it also has grown the presence of Latin and Hispanic celebrities in residencies. 

Other trending cities based on the highest growth of nights booked on Airbnb by US travelers that chose Spanish as their primary language include7:

  • Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
  • Austin, Texas
  • Phoenix, Arizona
  • Cultural ties influence travel destinations

    Latin and Hispanic travelers expressed significantly higher interest in travel to Latin America than non-Latin and Hispanics. This is driven by 74 percent saying they prioritize the culture of their intended destination and 76 percent expressing interest in traveling to Latin America to connect with their culture. Airbnb data shows that of US travelers who selected Spanish as their primary language, 38 percent traveled to Latin America in 2023—likely five times more than the rest of US travelers. The top three most popular Latin America cities based on growth in nights booked on Airbnb by this group in 2023 were8:

  • Florianopolis, Brazil
  • Sabaneta, Colombia
  • San Salvador, El Salvador


  •  Based on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services offices. Link here.
  •  Based on the average Hispanic traveler spending $557 per day considering the average of five days per trip.
  •  While not all members of the US Latin and Hispanic community speak Spanish or opt to choose Spanish as their primary language on the platform Airbnb does not collect race or ethnicity data from users.
  •  Total guests with origin country US that selected Spanish as their default language in 2023 vs. 2022 with at least one stay.
  •  Survey ran among more than 1,000 people that declared being identified as Latin or Hispanic, run in August 2024 with a margin of error of 3.1% with 95% of confidence.
  • Based on the total number of nights booked made by U.S. travelers for three  or more people who selected Spanish as their default language on the platform in 2023.
  •  Based on the growth of total nights booked by US Guests that selected Spanish as their default language in 2023 vs. 2022.
  •  Based on the growth of total nights booked by US Guests that selected Spanish as their default language in 2023 vs. 2022.
  • The US Latin and Hispanic community is traveling more and with that influencing and redefining the travel industry. Latin and Hispanic travelers are not only exploring new destinations but also creating meaningful connections through their journeys. 

    Supporting the US Latin and Hispanic Community

    As part of Airbnb’s commitment to building a global community where people of all backgrounds, identities, and experiences feel welcome, we are proud to support the Latin and Hispanic community. This long-standing work includes partnering with organizations, like The Hispanic Wealth Project and Hispanics in Wine, to introduce people to hosting through the Airbnb Entrepreneurship Academy and supporting organizations working to strengthen Hispanic and Latin communities through the Airbnb Community Fund, like Casa Latina.

    Download the full US Latin and Hispanic Travelers Report in English here and the Spanish version here.





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